Coronavirus and the footprints it left behind in 2021

More than 70 million positive cases with more than 1.5 million death cases along with the 45 million cases who recovered worldwide are the result of the outbreak of Covide-19 untill the final days of the year of horror, 2020.

Yes, the Coronavirus had this impact on our lives since the day it was out.

It impacted us in the ways we never even expected, affected physically, mentally economically, and, yes, changed the meaning of everyday life for all of us.

The new fashion is wearing a mask, staying away from friends and neighbors, and being indoor most of the time if you want to be safe.

Seeing all the difficulties and the wrong side of 2020, many companies tried their level best to produce electrostatic disinfectant sprayers and sanitizer sprayers such as ulv foggers, thermal foggers for humanity to reduce the burden and fear of the corona’s deadly virus.

A lot of the disinfectants came at a time when we humans needed them the most.

What are these approaches taken by the companies who produced disinfectant and sanitizer sprayers?

Approaches by the companies

Companies stood beside us no matter how difficult it was for them to keep the production process going. They were successful in providing us with great sprayers.

Companies such as that produced disinfectant sprayers and foggers sprayers try their best to save us and they are approved by Health that means they are completely safe to use . The disinfectant sprayer is mainly used because it has the power and the ability to kill 99.9% of the germs, bacteria, and even the Coronavirus.

Disinfectants and sanitizers such as ULV foggers, Cold foggers, thermal foggers, and electrostatic foggers are produced to protect us and be utilized by us for our benefit.

The incredible nature of these products made them valuable and demanding by many people. It was the nature of it having fog disinfectant.

The disinfectant sprayers mentioned above consists of fog, and they are wet.

The user does not need to wipe the surfaces before and after utilization, as it tends to dry off automatically.

The other great advantage over the rest of the disinfectant and sanitizing sprayers is that it is handheld, cordless, and can cover larger areas.

Gone are the days you sit and worry about the disinfectants and sprayers’ cost, and they’re not worth the pay.

The disinfectant sprayers for sale and the sanitizer sprayers mentioned above are also very cost-effective.

Where can you use the disinfectant sprayers and the sanitizing sprayers?


Yes, you read it right.

You may ask how?

The foggers are produced so that they target only killing the germs, bacteria, and the virus.

They are environment friendly and have no side effects and no negative impact on the life of humans.

It is a new method with a new technology which is considered to be dwell time.

We don’t always get the best products at the right time, or the best product with so many advantages, so now that you have the chance, do not miss it.

For all the lazy people out there! The foggers and the fogging machines have freed you from the burden of wiping the areas and the surfaces before and after the utilization.

Isn’t it great?

Suitable areas that you can utilize the disinfectant and the sanitizing sprayers and the foggers.

The answer may surprise a lot of you but everywhere!

If you are a gym owner, go ahead and spray the disinfectant whenever you see the gym is packed with people, and don’t worry about the health hazards.

Explain to them that it does not have any side effects and is environment friendly.

The same goes for the public libraries, hotels, supermarkets, parlors and salons, banks and malls, airports, and yes, primarily the public transports and stations.

Waiting rooms, clinics, hospitals, and anyplace you see people gather in numbers should be disinfected and sanitized.

Schools, universities, offices, and industries should never be forgotten and ignored.

Every life matters today; why to neglect when you can save a life today by just disinfecting and sanitizing the areas and the surfaces?

Don’t take me wrong, only by disinfecting and sanitizing you cannot fight the pandemic and the deadly virus.

Following the safety instructions, respecting the social distancing, and wearing masks are there as well that should be followed.

Different steps are taken for the Coronavirus

Different steps are there that each of us should follow if we want to stay safe and keep our loved ones safe.


Carrying hand sanitizers in our bags and pockets or use sanitizer wrist band

Maintaining distance from others

Avoiding crowded places and areas

Hugging, kissing, shaking hands should be avoided as much as possible

Using the disinfectant and sanitizing sprayers on all the surfaces and areas without neglecting a corner

Sanitizing and disinfecting cars, public transports internally and externally both, and so on.

2020 taught us that money does not mean everything; there are hard days for everyone starting from the wealthiest to the poorest of the poor.

The Coronavirus does not see you are black or white, rich or poor, old or young, and man or woman.

The only step left for all of us is to keep safe, avoid unimportant outings. However, it sounds complicated, especially for the youth, and wear masks.

The only way all the steps above will be complete if you disinfect and sanitize everything and everywhere.

So don’t wait for more; go to the official website of the Disinfect & Fog or Amazon and order your magical environment friendly cordless disinfectants and foggers and be safe.

At least the areas and the surfaces around you are sanitized and free from germs, viruses, and bacteria.
