Everything about the color Burgundy | Meaning, Hex Code

Everything about the color Burgundy | Meaning, Hex Code
Everything about the color Burgundy | Meaning, Hex Code

Best described as a mix between red and purple, Burgundy is a deep hue that’s often mistaken for maroon. Unlike maroon, burgundy has a hint of purple where maroon has more brown to it. Burgundy gets its name from a drink that boasts a similar shade. More specifically, a red wine that comes from France. Burgundy made its ultimate claim to fame about three decades ago. During this era, burgundy lipstick was all the rage. It was the beauty industry that essentially put this hue on the map.

Burgundy hex code: #800020

It is more sophisticated and serious than true red, symbolizing ambition, wealth, and power.

Burgundy works well with shades of gray, such as light gray or charcoal gray. It also pairs beautifully with turquoise, golden yellow, and amber.

Color Conversion

The hexadecimal color #800020 has RGB values of R: 50.2, G: 0, B: 12.5 and CMYK values of C: 0, M: 1, Y: 0.75, K:0.5.

Suggested color combination with Burgundy

  • Grey
  • Gold
  • Teal

Looking for Burgundy-related hues? These would work too:

  • Brown
  • Crimson
  • Red

Burgundy Color Meaning

Much like any color, burgundy has both positive and negative attributes. Many people are fond of burgundy’s compassionate side, but they don’t appreciate how shy it is. Moreover, though burgundy possesses unique qualities, it’s a control freak. Fortunately, burgundy’s favorable traits outweigh its unpleasant features.