Everything about the color Lime Green | Hex Code, History

Everything about the color Lime Green | Hex Code, History
Everything about the color Lime Green | Hex Code, History

Lime Green sits between yellow-green and yellow on the color wheel. It is a yellow-toned green because it is a perfect blend of these two colors. It is named after the color of the skin of limes. It is also referred to as yellow-green, lemon-lime, lime green, or bitter lime.

Lime Green hex code: #32CD32

The history of lime green

Evidence of what may be the earliest-known use of the color green dates from the prehistoric period. Ceramics from that time show people wearing vivid green costumes, even though it is not yet known how the color was produced in those days. In Ancient Egypt, green was the symbol of regeneration, good health, and rebirth. During that period, green was closely associated with vegetation, vigor, and growth. Later on, throughout the Middle Ages and Renaissance, green represented a person’s social rank and profession, and could only be worn by the elite. For that reason, it was reserved for merchants, bankers, and the gentry. In the 18th and 19th centuries, green was depicted as the fundamental color of the romantic movement in literature and art, only to become a political symbol of many countries in the Modern Era.

The first use of lime green as a color name in English was in 1890. Lime green became fashionable in the 70s, or what is now known as ’’the most colorful decade of fashion’’. A few years back, lime green’s vibrant and energetic shade has become a must-try trend once again.

How to Use Lime Green

White and fuchsia look great with lime green. Silver and gray also work well. You can really make a statement by mixing it with bright colors like yellow, orange, or hot pink for an eye-catching combination.

The bright, vivid hue of lime green is popular in both fashion and home décor, especially when paired with darker hues like black or brown.

Most people showcase lime green in their home décor. Even though it’s light and airy, it’s still a welcome change of pace.

A strong and aggressive atmosphere is created by painting an entire space bright lime green. Interior designers also suggest pops of color with lime green bed coverings, curtains, pillow covers, and furniture.

When it comes to fashion, lime green apparel is less risky than lime green home design.