Rethinking the Traditional Marketing Mix: Social Media Solutions in Langley

Although most companies have some kind of digital presence, there are still many small businesses that have not rethought their traditional marketing mix. Making social media solutions in Langley, and the surrounding communities, an important topic to cover.

Not only is social media one of the first places most consumers go to find your business, but it is also where they go to talk about it. This does not and should not be a scary thing – in fact, it’s a positive one!

Social Media Solutions in Langley: Changing the Scope of Your Customer’s Behaviours

Traditionally, businesses have sought to prompt buyers to an end goal, which was to purchase their product or service.

Although this end-goal still rings true, the way in which behaviours are managed are much different.

‘Sales tactics’ – or selling a client, has changed over into helping customers learn and gain awareness of who a company is, what they value, who they help and what they represent as a whole.

Consumers want to feel like they know you before they even meet you – and here’s how you can help them do so…

Create Awareness – without a potential customer knowing you exist; they won’t even have a chance to utilize your product or service. So ensuring you have a mobile friendly website and social media presence are two great places to start.

Give Potential Customers a Reason to Like Your Business …which, again, involves having an active presence on social media. Showing your involvement in the community. Sharing testimonials. Being an open forum for people to interact on your page.

Build Trust …by offering answer to questions or comments – both good and bad. How you respond says a lot, and savvy customers are aware of the hecklers. They simply want to see you have the heart to respond in a meaningful and present way, offering accountability and solutions.

Actively Seek Referrals …never be afraid to ask for ‘help’. People like the vulnerable nature this shows, while extending the desire to help other customers gain what they have. It’s not a shameful thing to be proud of your business, and asking people to speak up about your service is just part of the modern marketing mix that social media employs.

Curious to know How to Build Your Brand by Tapping into Your Local Community? Take a read. Or if you are seeking digital marketing services in Langley, we are here to provide that, and look forward to doing so!
