How to clean a rug?

Don't you entrust the washing of your carpet cleaners, and are you worried about the carpet getting damaged? This article will teach you how to wash your carpets at home. Like the curtains, the carpet in the house has the status of home clothes, and its existence is essential. Also, floor coverings add texture, color, and warmth to a space, but better than anything else in a home, they attract attention. Carpets are constantly exposed to different types because they are at the center of the home. It also absorbs allergens and can cause asthma and research. It would help if you learned how to condition your woven carpet as part of your regular cleaning routine. Here we teach you about different types of carpets. With the help of this method, you can wash all your area rugs, silk carpets and other kinds of woven carpets.

Cleaning the carpet stain: Before cleaning the classic carpet, make sure to sweep well to remove the dust; use some yogurt to remove the stains that have just appeared on the carpet; for this purpose, put the yogurt on it. Pour on the surface of the stain and collect it with a spoon, and if necessary, repeat this several times, then clean it with a towel and dry it well.

Cleaning the edges of the handmade carpet: clean the dust from the edges with a hand-cleaning brush and then vacuum. To clean this area, use a mixture of water, a little washing powder, and a soft brush, then wipe this area with a towel. Dry and put paper or a white napkin under it to remove the skin when spreading it.

Carpet cleaner: laundry soap and carpet shampoo, which are slightly alkaline, are suitable detergents for carpets. If you dissolve the carpet shampoo in a teaspoon of salt, mix it well and dissolve the floor with water. Apply a piece of mesh that does not absorb much water on the carpet's surface and dry it with a towel.

Removing heavy items from the carpet: Heavy kinds of stuff placed on the rug can make cleaning the rug difficult. you must remove the furniture

such as sofa legs which are usually placed on the carpet, a piece of ice is placed on the desired area, and then a dry towel is placed on it to catch it and return the carpet piles to the original state.

Quick cleaning of the carpet stain: Do not forget that if the stain stays on the carpet for more than one or two days, it will be fixed, so it is recommended to remove the stain as soon as possible with the suggested materials.

Removing the spice stain from the carpet: To remove the spice stain, use a little lemon juice and water and then wipe it with a dry towel.

Clarifying the color of the carpet: First, sprinkle a mixture of tea scum and salt on the carpet, then sweep it with a vacuum cleaner until the color of the modern carpet becomes clear.

Preventing the carpet from shrinking: Silk carpet or machine-made carpets shrink quickly. To prevent the carpet from shrinking, sew it from the bottom with leather strips.

Disinfecting and polishing the carpet: some guests may walk on the clean carpets with shoes. For that issue, After sweeping the carpet, it is better to dip a large towel in water and white vinegar and gently rub it on the carpet piles; the amount of vinegar should not be too much. Otherwise, it will damage the color of the carpet.

Homemade carpet shampoo: If you don't have carpet shampoo available, dissolve two teaspoons of salt + 1 teaspoon of dishwashing liquid in one liter of water and stir it well until it foams, then uses the foam to clean the carpet. Actually, I recommend buying a good carpet cleaner from Amazon or other famous online shops.

Candle stains on carpets, rugs and textured surfaces: First, remove the hardened paraffin with a sharp object such as a knife or even a nail, then fold oil paper or a large towel and place it on the paraffin stain. Now set the iron to a high temperature and move it on the paper's surface several times; the heat caused by the iron melts the remaining paraffin between the tissues and absorbs the paper.

Removing old stains from the carpet: To remove the old stains left on the carpet that you probably overlooked when it was stained, pour some shaving foam on the stained area, then rub the area with a damp cloth and then clean it with a dry towel. Cover the stained area with a clean cloth and place a heavy object like a book. Whenever the cloth gets wet, change it so that the moisture in the carpet disappears after a while.

Removing cocoa, glue and ice cream from the carpet: First, gently gather around the desired area, so the stain does not spread further, then dissolve one teaspoon of dishwashing liquid in a cup of water and wipe this solution with cotton or soft and clean tissue. Place it on the spot and clean it slowly without rubbing the spot. If you repeat this action several times, the effect of the spilled substance will be removed entirely, then clean the desired spot with a wet towel.

Removing color stains from the carpet: To remove stains from coffee, tea and colored substances such as grape juice, first, to prevent further penetration of the spilled substance, gently remove the moisture of the desired area with a paper towel or tissue, then use some mineral water or soda. Pour it on and wipe the area with a tissue after a few minutes and repeat this until no trace of the stain is left on the carpet.

Removing greasy stains from the carpet: To remove stains from greasy substances, including crayons and materials such as bitumen, first pour some non-greasy solvent that does not dry quickly on a piece of wet cotton gently place it on the stain. In this way, some of the cotton particles will absorb the solvent; repeat this until all the stain is gone, then wipe the area with a clean, damp cloth.

You can clean running rug, carpets in the kitchen, bedrooms and living rooms rug with these methods. Don’t forget to share the result with us.