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Purchase a mandatory lock ed member

This method of descent is slightly different from the methods of organ enhancement mentioned above. In this way, the user can no longer belong to the channel when he or she inadvertently becomes a member of the channel or group through the member increase panels, and will return it to you even if you clear that channel or group.

Increasing the lock member is different from increasing the Hayden member. Hayden members are completely Iranian users who accidentally notice their membership in a channel or group over a period of time and

The lock member is different from the Hayden member. Hayden members are users who do not notice a membership in a channel for a period of time, and as soon as they become aware of this membership, it is possible for them to leave the channel.

But locked members notice the membership in these channels but can not exit them. For business owners, the question is, What is a lock member? What is its advantage over other methods of membership? For this reason, in the following, we will mention some of the advantages of increasing the member through the lock member.

It is not possible to exit the Telegram channels in this method of membership; For this reason, their fall rate will be zero. Only in the face of glorifying the unofficial version of the Telegram will it be possible to exit these channels.

The number of visits to posts will increase due to the fact that users do not leave these channels.

Locked members are actually members of the Telegram that will be present on a channel.

Increasing the membership of this method will require the installation of unofficial versions of Telegram by users.

Locking members are very useful for channels that operate in the store area.

Advantages and disadvantages of buying a mandatory Telegram Ed Ed member in Hayden's face

This method, like other methods of attracting members, has advantages and disadvantages, which we will examine on a case-by-case basis.

The advantages of this method include the following:

In this way you have bought members that are completely real.

Your channel can have a large number of members in a short period of time.

As you know, the high membership of new telegram channels gives new credibility to that channel.

Since subscribing to these channels is a face-to-face event and members are not aware of it, the user will not leave the channel, so you will not encounter the unpleasant event of a member losing.

Disadvantages of this method include the following rate of post visits. Due to the fact that users are not informed about their membership in such channels, it is natural that they do not look at the content and posts shared by the admin on this channel, so the number of posts viewed on such channels is usually below.

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