buy telegram members : Buy an Iranian member
One cheap, cost-effective way to increase the number of channel members is to buy a cheap membership. But how is this done? There are types of members and types of methods for this job, but the most effective type is buying an Iranian member.
Fake or non-Iranian members are really the only inactive members who join the channels en masse. But these members will never buy from you, they will never even visit your posts and they will only increase the number of members.
Therefore, buying an Iranian member is the best option for your channel.
Advertising in Telegram was one of the most common methods of advertising before the restriction of working with this unique social network, which, of course, decreased slightly with the blocking of this messenger. But again, users have turned to Telegram. This can be seen from the increase in members of telegram channels. Since you should not leave the field empty for your competitors in marketing, it is better to be present wherever your customers are present. For this reason, I advise you not to miss this post on teaching advertisements in Telegram.
Types of advertisements in Telegram
Surely you have seen advertisements while visiting the telegram channels of which you are a member. It would probably be better to ask, how do you find telegram channels to subscribe to? Did your friend introduce it to you or did you see the Telegram channel advertisement somewhere? If you want to subscribe to your channel, what other methods do you know besides these methods? Join us to introduce you to all kinds of advertisements in Telegram.
Types of advertisements in Telegram
Telegram visit ads
In Telegram visit ads, you only pay for the number of visits your ad receives. Then he comes to economic opinion. In this case, even if you have a limited spending on advertising, you can want your ad to get only the same number of views and then belong to the pure. In this way, even with the following amounts, you can advertise in quality channels related to your business.
The number of visits is determined by the eye mark in the lower corner of the telegram messages. A number has been written on the beach of this eye sign, which is the same number of visits.