Telegram channels

View channel content without subscribing to them

As you know, to follow the content of Telegram channels, you must first join them. For whatever reason, you may not want to subscribe to a channel, but you need to watch content on that channel. There is a secret trick so you can view the content of that channel without subscribing. The channel manager also cannot detect your use of the channel, and in fact you are not a follower of the channel.

For this purpose, it is enough to send the username of the channel along with the @ sign in the text of a friend's chat or your chat page, and then click on it to enter the desired channel. Now you can see that you can see the contents of the channel without clicking the Join button. In the text of your chats, there will be no history of your membership in the channel and receiving new content.

Search channels

If we want to find topics in our old messages, channels or groups, we have to go up and down a lot of content to get to the point. But there is a better way, and that is search. Just touch the drop-down menu at the top of the page and select Search.

Lock your chats

For messengers like WhatsApp, this was not possible by default so that we could make it impossible for others to access our messages, but Telegram has an option defined that locks chats with code. In order to enter the code on the chats, it is enough to follow the path below and activate and encrypt the messages.

Settings »Privacy and Security» Passcode Lock

Telegram channels