Telegram mute messages

Don't want to distract your friend by sending messages? Well excellent. To use this telegram trick, just click on the alarm icon in the message section.

Fast shooting and video (iOS only)

If you want to take a photo or video right away and send it via telegram, you must first touch the pin icon on the chat page and then select the camera icon. But there is no need to do so. Just hold your finger on the pin icon. This, in addition to displaying the camera, displays a menu that has two buttons, Photo and Video.

Pressing the Photo button takes a photo, and pressing the Video button starts shooting. In the next step, you can also send a photo or video.

Cancel audio recording

If you accidentally hold the voice record button on a chat page or you are not happy with the voice you have recorded, you do not have to send it. In such cases, it is enough to swipe your left finger while holding the microphone button. This will cancel the audio recording operation. It should be noted that in the version of Windows Telegram, to do this, you have to move your mouse or finger pointer up and out of the sound recording range.

Telegram mute messages