Telegram supergroup

Do you have many friends? Well great. In Telegram you can create supergroups and now you can add 100,000 in one group. To create a supergroup, first open the Telegram menu and then create a New Group.

- Edit sent messages

Ever wanted to send a message and then try to edit it? This feature is available in Telegram. Just tap on the message you sent and select the Edit option to re-edit it and check its confirmation after the changes.

However, after editing below your message, the phrase Edited indicates that you have edited the message.

- Use emojis as shortcut stickers

This is one of the interesting tricks of Telegram. Each sticker is attached to one of the Telegram emoji emoticons and you can write an emoticon in your message to wait for the stickers attached to it to be displayed and select the desired sticker.

- Edit photos before sending in Telegram

In this Telegram trick, you can add captions to your photos, crop and edit them before sending. You can also manipulate the contrast, clarity, color density and more features in the photo editor.

- Add stickers

Do you know how to have a fun and lively chat? Using stickers is one of these ways. To do this you must:

In Android: just click on the sticker and click the add sticker option

On Apple: Click and hold the sticker, and then click the "Add stickers option."

Telegram supergroup