Hidden Instagram Hashtags (Tips And Tricks)

If you have listened to my audio file about shadowban on my Telegram channel, I have explained about the problem of shadowban for Instagram pages, and there I mentioned that one of the things that cause shadowban is the use of It is one of the banned or banned Hidden Instagram Hashtags in posts.

Banned hashtags or banned hashtags on Instagram are hashtags that, for some reason, have been recognized by this platform as being used in illegal or unconventional ways and purposes. It is not clear how Instagram's algorithms detect this issue, and Instagram has not provided a detailed explanation on this matter.

Even Instagram does not officially provide a list of banned hashtags, and this list is based on the experiences of users, and Farsi hashtags that are probably banned are not included.

My personal advice, which I also mentioned in the audio file, is to search for any hashtag that you intend to use in your Instagram posts before using it and make sure that it is without problems.

1. The hashtag is not displayed in the search

In this case, when you search for the desired hashtag in the explore section, it will not be displayed in the list of hashtags. Of course, there may be two cases for this case.

First, there are no posts with the desired hashtag, and second, the hashtag is banned. Obviously, a word that is very common, but does not appear in hashtags, is banned. Like hashtag #ig which is not displayed in the results in general.

2. The hashtag is not displayed in the tags tab

When you search for the hashtag without the # character, it will be displayed in the top tab, but no post will be displayed in the tags tab. This case indicates that a hashtag is banned.

3. Only a limited number of posts are displayed

If you search and select the desired hashtag, and then you encounter a message similar to the one below, it still indicates that your desired hashtag has been banned.