Instagram Hashtags Is It Better To Put Hashtags In Comments Or Caption 2022

This question has been debated for years. Finally, there is a lot to consider when deciding where to put your hashtags. Some people are convinced that the more Instagram Hashtags you hide in the comments section, the better off you'll be, while others believe it's better to keep things simple and leave them at the end of your caption.

Why are there misconceptions about hashtag placement?

Partly because it's such a hot topic and people are confused about it. But also because hashtags on Instagram can be a shortcut to marketing and here we have this debate: do they work properly when placed in the comments section? Is this option relatively effective?

Are 30 hashtags in the title considered spam?

This question may arise in your mind because we are all doing things to reach our target audience without being frustrating or spammy in the process.

The truth is, hashtags are the most effective way to get your posts seen by as many people as possible, including people who aren't your followers. So why do you refuse to use them? Hashtag shows that you take content production and your presence on social media seriously.

If your audience is a group of like-minded people who use hashtags every day, they probably won't mind seeing 30 hashtags in your post.

If we look at big brands like Starbucks or Sony, you will notice that they prefer to use a minimalist number of hashtags. But don't take it as a source of inspiration! With 17.9 million followers, Starbucks probably doesn't need to put in too much effort to gain new followers and be seen by their customers. Their strategy is very different and so is their budget, they don't need to get new followers.

Instagram hashtags in posts versus comments:

Hashtags make your content easier to find. In fact, they make your posts discoverable and searchable, because without them, it would be difficult for new people to find your profile. In order to use more hashtags without crowding the captions and creating a mess, some pages usually put their hashtags in the first comment of their posts.

So, where does the idea that hashtags are better in comments than in posts come from? We're not really sure, but let's start from the beginning.

According to Instagram, you can add hashtags to regular post captions or in comments and they'll work just fine too. Which option is much better? Both have their advantages and disadvantages and you should choose the one that is easier in the end!

Advantages of putting a hashtag in the caption:

In this way, hashtags will not disturb your caption! Try adding a few rows of dots or stars to your posts, so the hashtags only show up if the reader hits show more.

Time is on your side, because your hashtags start working the exact moment you publish your post.

Advantages of putting hashtags in comments:

If you don't want your followers or competitors to see the list of hashtags you've used, you can partially hide them.

This is a great option when you just prefer captions without hashtags. Putting your hashtags in comments works just as well as if they were in captions.

How to hide your hashtags?

Some pages say that when they use 30 hashtags, the impression is created that the caption is ugly and looks a little messy. This is a personal opinion, but if you prefer to hide them a little

To hide your hashtags in the comment:

Upload a photo or a video as usual, then click on the comment bubble to comment after publishing your content.

Write all 30 hashtags you want to use. As you get more comments from your readers, your hashtags will disappear, but they will still help increase the visibility of your posts.

So if you're still asking, should I put my hashtags in the first comment?, there's no real difference in how they work, it's entirely up to you. If you prefer captions without hashtags, yes, just go for it and put them in the comment section. Will they work properly? totally. This is an official statement from the Instagram team, so you don't have to worry.