Using Popular Hashtags Are They A Good Idea Or Not

There are Popular Hashtags that you can use to define your brand and connect with your target audience on Instagram. Finding the right Instagram hashtags takes some time and research. But with a good Instagram strategy, you can get followers closer to buying and make a real difference.

Instagram allows you to add up to 30 hashtags per post. Searching for any hashtag will show you how many posts are related to that hashtag.

To create an effective hashtag strategy, you must combine hashtags from four categories. The proper combination of these hashtags will maximize the performance of your post and help you reach the target audience. With the following formula, you can easily identify 15-20 hashtags for each of your posts:

Choose 5-7 very popular hashtags. The most popular Instagram hashtags are those that are used by 100,000 to 500,000 posts. I don't recommend using hashtags with more than 500,000 posts, because these popular Instagram hashtags are generated by bots and within seconds your post will become burnt content.

Choose 5-7 relatively popular hashtags. Relatively popular Instagram hashtags are used by about 10,000 to 100,000 posts. (Related)

3.5 Choose a specific hashtag. Fewer than 10,000 posts are related to these Instagram hashtags, and they are too close to your core business and your target audience's searches.

1-3 include brand hashtags. These are hashtags that you use exclusively for your brand. They may be related to specific brand names and campaigns.

This example from u/ shows how she combined different types of Instagram hashtags using the formula above.

The reason for this particular instruction of hashtags is related to how hashtags are sorted by the algorithm in each hashtag hub.

For better performance, Instagram checks every piece of content and looks for interactions from your followers or non-followers.

When you use popular Instagram hashtags, your content will appear anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes. This will create an instant spark of activity in your post. When you use popular hashtags, your content is active in search results for hours, and you're telling Instagram that your content has longevity.

Finally, specific hashtags or niches highlight your brand. As your followers interact with your post and other Instagram hashtags keep your content active, there is a good chance that your post will show up as the top post in searches for your specific hashtags.

Once you do this, your content will rank at the top of the hashtag search page for a specific topic. People looking for this search result are looking for something very specific and seeing your content for the first time, so they come directly to your post and profile. For example, this post from u/outofmybloominmind is ranked as the top post for #paperflowers, increasing the likelihood that this content will be seen by the florist's target customers.

If people like other content or your profile, the chances of following you will increase. If the product or service you offer is what they are looking for, you can also make a sale with a post.