
What is dimoplasty?

Dimpleplasty (or dimple surgery) is a minor surgery performed under local anesthesia to create dimples in your cheeks. Cosmetic dimples can add even more beauty to your smile, so if that's what you're looking for, contact Zenith about your dimple procedure today!

dimple surgery

Who is right for dimple surgery?

A plastic dimple is perfect for anyone who wants to create a prominent dimple in their cheeks that they don't already have naturally. Due to the simplicity of dimpling surgery, this treatment is widely available to anyone over the age of 18.

What happens during the process?

This is a minor surgical procedure that usually takes around 20 minutes on both sides of the face. This is done under local anesthesia (LA), which means you will be awake but the area will be numb.

First, the right place on your skin is determined based on your choice. Then local anesthesia is injected into this area. An incision is made inside your cheek and a dissolvable suture is passed through the skin of your cheek and tied over the muscle inside your mouth to create a dimple.

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This stitch takes about 6-12 weeks to dissolve, but should leave a permanent bump in the area due to the internal wounding of the skin over the muscle. Dissolvable stitches are mostly placed along the wound inside your mouth, which takes about 5-10 days to dissolve.

What are the side effects or risks?

You will have slight facial swelling and bruising, which should disappear completely within two weeks. As the dots dissolve, the dimple becomes less obvious and looks more natural. Sometimes the dimple disappears over time, but this procedure is easily repeatable.

What results can I generally expect?

The results of cavity surgery are usually permanent.

Initially, the new dimple will smooth out in the first few days after surgery, then over the next few weeks you will notice that the newly formed dimple looks more natural. Remember that your dimples will appear even if your face is relaxed. You can expect to see the final result within 3 months. The results of dipplasty are different and it is not possible to predict exactly the depth, size and shape of your dimples after the operation.

Before your operation

It is important to quit smoking at least 4 weeks before surgery and 4 weeks after.

Dimoplasty follow-up care

Local anesthesia will reduce some of the pain after your dimple surgery, but you will need to take regular painkillers (paracetamol, ibuprofen) for up to 1 week afterwards. The pain should start to subside after a few days. You usually don't need to be away.

How much does dimple surgery cost?

Our liposuction surgery starts at £1,500. The cost of this method depends on your personal situation and the end result you want to achieve. Contact our team of experts at Zenith to arrange your free cavity surgery consultation with our surgical coordinator.