Complete Guide to YouTube Analytics

With the help of YouTube channel analysis, you can find patterns to increase or decrease the traffic of your YouTube channel & thus, make better decisions regarding the future of your channel.

Here are seven critical factors in analyzing a YouTube channel that you can use to analyze your own YouTube channel:

The number of subscribers to the YouTube channel is important, but even more important than that is the number of Active Subscribers; the number of active subscribers includes the number of subscribers who actually watch your videos.

Some videos have a higher view rate & some are viewed less! The higher the number of views for a certain video is, means that more users liked the video & that they were able to interact better with it.

Many people are under the impression that the only thing that matters is merely the number of subscribers to the channel, but if users do not interact with your channel, there will be no benefit in it for you.

The priority for channel management is to generate valuable content for users so that they can interact well with it.

The ratio of Active Subscribers to All Subscribers indicates the level of user satisfaction with you, which is achieved through YouTube channel analysis.

According to issued reports, videos that can attract 20% of users in the first 48 hours will be successful in the future too.

To access the ratio of the number of active subscribers of the channel to all the subscribers of the channel, enter the Creator Studio section & set its filter to 28 days; then compare the number of the visits with the total number of your subscribers so that you’ll be able to identify your Active Subscribers.

Another important criterion in analyzing a YouTube channel is finding content that is very popular with users.

By analyzing the channel, you can find out which videos have been viewed the most & which videos have been more successful!

By identifying popular content, you can develop your content strategy in such a way that allows you to spend most of your time producing popular content for users.

The most important factor in user interaction & engagement is knowing which videos have been able to attract the largest number of users; this is possible with the help of YouTube channel analysis, and the more Likes & Comments a video has, the more users have interacted with it!

These are videos that users interact better with and also share with their friends!

Now that you have identified the popular content with your subscribers, you can plan to generate more such content in the future & thus, enhance the interaction rate on your channel.

To determine the amount of interaction, simply enter the Analytics tab in the Creator Studio section.

Finally, all you have to do is note the number of Likes, Comments, Shares, etc., & easily determine the amount of interaction your channel has had.

Natural video visits include visits made through your audience, & advertising has NOT increased the number of visits.

If you don’t use Advertising Methods to Increase Your Video Traffic on YouTube & you don’t want to run a YouTube Advertising Campaign, it’s very easy to determine the number of natural visits, but things become a little more difficult if you’re using YouTube advertising.

This factor is very important in determining the ranking of videos on YouTube, but there are other factors in this regard, some of which are more important than others.

If you’re using ads, all you have to do is enter the Creator Studio section and identify the source of your inbound user traffic through the Traffic Sources section; which allows you to easily determine the amount of natural user traffic of YouTube videos & merge them into your overall strategy.

In this section, identify your natural inbound user traffic by unchecking the YouTube Ads option in the Traffic Source Checkbox section.

You should also know that you can easily identify the number of visits from each resource & use the information in your content strategyThe time duration of watching videos on YouTube is one of the most important factors in ranking a YouTube channel!

If this amount is high on your channel, you can easily have the chance of appearing amongst the first results of a YouTube search.

The time duration a user spends watching a video can demonstrate how interested users are in your videos.