buy targeted member

Increase the actual channel membership in a pop-up manner

In this way, by using the applications installed on people's phones, the Telegram application is automatically opened and the user is asked to subscribe to your channel. You have probably encountered these ads before.

Benefits of buying a member how to pop up

May Tab said that the most important advantage of buying a pop-up member is that the user enters your channel with a completely optional face. Therefore, it follows your channel content more actively. The probability of falling in this method is much less. Because the user has become a member of the channel voluntarily and only by viewing the ads.

The advantage of other pop-up member purchases is a significant increase in recent visits to your channel posts. Because in this way, when your channel is advertised to others, the person enters the channel and decides to leave or leave the channel by viewing the next posts.

But whether you sign up or not, the number of visits to your recent posts will increase dramatically. This will also increase the credibility of your channel and posts, and you can use the affiliate for your channel ads. People usually trust the most visited posts.

If you want to increase the number of pop-up members for your Telegram channel, you can easily spread your channel population by selecting the pop-up method in the DigiFollower menu.

The amount of member loss in the pop-up mode

Basically, the pop-up method has less losses than other methods of buying a Telegram member. Because we know that people have joined your channel willingly. But the important thing is that these people are human and they may make another decision later. Various factors can cause members to leave your channel later or later.

It is the responsibility of the channel admin to maintain his audience with appropriate and useful posts. Our job at DJFollower is to get a certain number of members to join your channel. But maintaining these members is the responsibility of the channel admin. In any case, the loss of this method is much less than other methods due to its optionality.

Enhance the actual channel membership in a compulsory ed way

In several new years, different types of telegrams have been processed that have attracted the audience for some reason. The purchase of a Telegram member is completed in the manner of mandatory editing through these telegrams.

The programmers have programmed these telegrams in such a way that they have the ability to force the audience to edit. If you also use these telegrams, you must have become a member of the channels without permission.

buy targeted member