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Everything about the color Chartreuse
Chartreuse is a shade between the colors green and yellow, but it is typically considered a sub-category of the color green. The color was named after a French liqueur called “chartreuse” which has a greenish-yellow hue. The liqueur was first produced in 1605 by the Carthusian monks of France, but likely not marketed to the public until the 1730s. The name of this drink was first used as a color name in the year 1884 when it was mentioned in a British fashion newspaper. During the late 1800s, silk and velvet fabrics were being produced in chartreuse and used to make such stylish items as feather fans, gowns, purses, shoes, and hats. In the roaring 1920s, chartreuse was a very popular choice for dresses because of its bold and rebellious nature. Chartreuse resurged in the late 1950s as a common color choice for clothing and furniture. In the 1960s, its boldness appealed to young people
Everything about colors
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