1) Identify your niche.
Telegram has hundreds of channels and considering the existence of these big channels, it must be difficult to reach the same audience as them - especially in the beginning stages. Therefore, you should avoid creating a channel on general topics. For example, instead of a channel for movies only, identify a new niche where you will be interested in comedy films in India. Search for keywords, and don't forget to check out similar Telegram channels in the same niche for an opportunity to stand out or stand out from the competition. Also real telegram members help you grow your business.
2) Choose an ordinary and clear brand.
This is one of the most common mistakes Telegram channel owners make. Your logo should not contain too many details or information. Real people photos etc. things should not be used.
You see, you don't have to be a designer to see what's good and what's okay.
3) Include keywords in your channel name.
Keywords are one of the most powerful tools that make you searchable and discoverable by users. Therefore, the keywords you choose for your channel should directly reflect your niche, and be as specific as possible. If you have a channel about robot toys for dogs in India, you should name your channel accordingly. Just using the phrase "robotic toys" will not suffice, you have to be more specific in cadequate! Avoid using your brand advert as a channel name unless you open a Telegram channel for a popular brand like Pepsi.
4) Identify an appropriate content strategy.
You also need a proper content strategy for the effectiveness of your Telegram channel. If you want to ensure the continuity of interaction with subscribers, you should publish new content every day. There is nothing good about the posts you will share once a month, the only thing you will gain in this way will be member losses.

5) Avoid sharing too much content.
Are you planning to publish about 15 new posts per day? Please stop! Because the more good enough posts you post, the weaker your channel's voice will be. Consider your individual user experience, wouldn't it be annoying to get notifications all the time? Honestly, you, like all of us, are aware that users tend to mute such accounts. A muted channel means far fewer views and a lower percentage of active users. When only 10 out of 1000 people view your content, it becomes impossible to share your services or advertisements with people/large audiences.
6) Post unique content.
Stop copying and pasting exactly the same content on different channels or on the Internet. You ask why? First, people have seen the content in question dozens of times. Secondly, this is copyright infringement, which is a crime. Even if you're going to publish someone's content, you must do so by citing or tagging that person. When it comes to content sharing, you should also remember that only unique content will go viral. In short, only posts that reflect your own creativity or knowledge can make your channel popular.
7) Automate your advertising and marketing services with Telegram bots.
Are you using Telegram to promote your products or services? Then you can streamline your sales and consulting process. Build a free bot with the most frequently asked questions and answers for your business. This system can replace your staff who have to answer the same questions every day. Again, with such a bot, you can collect new orders or customers without difficulty.
8) Create both channels and groups.
Can't decide which channel or group would be better for your business or content? As such, creating both would be the best option. In this way, you can have both a channel you use for news and updates, and a Telegram group where users share their questions and help each other. You should not forget that the most effective strategy to use in making money on Telegram is to please users and customers as much as possible.
9) Use Telegram to promote your different social media links.
Have a fb page, Instagram or WhatsApp group? Feel free to include all these in the link section of your channel. Users may eventually leave any of these platforms, and this move will keep you in touch with them.
10) Don't change your channel concept.
Don't suddenly turn your football Telegram channel into a channel with funny puppies. This will cause you to lose users quickly. Because someone who is interested in your current theme may not be interested in this new idea. If you want a new themed channel, you have to create it from scratch. Of course, you can also promote this new idea through your primary channel. You only need to have around 100 members connected to the channel before you can change the channel mindset and the main goal should be to make your channel specific for niche compatibility (the actual concept should not be changed).