360 Executive Assessment & Coaching

Visual artist: Ben Sweet
Visual artist: Ben Sweet

Feedback is key to anyone’s development and that includes leaders, the problem is, it can be difficult for leaders to ask for feedback!

A 360-degree feedback procedure known as a leadership assessment helps evaluate leaders holistically. The purpose of a 360-degree leadership assessment is to give leaders information about their effectiveness, potential, and opportunities for development.

The 360-degree leadership assessment is a crucial development tool that can help leaders become more self-aware. Additionally, it is a sort of multi-rater feedback in which numerous sources take part. As a result, the leaders learn how their subordinates, customers, and other associates see them.

We use a leadership assessment tool developed by the Center of Creative Leadership (CCL) to facilitate the process. Below is an illustration of the process:

  • Assessment
  • Leading Others
  • Leading the Business
  • Leading by Personal Example
  • Report
  • Debrief

The CCL Benchmarks for Executives is a 360-degree assessment designed to address the specific leadership issues of top-level executives. Individuals see their feedback data compared to an exclusive normative base of other top executives. Includes CCL Compass™ — a cutting-edge digital tool that gathers all assessment data, interprets it, and recommends what to do next — which allows leaders to transition immediately from reviewing insights to making positive changes in the areas most relevant.

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