How to Make Money on Instagram?

Today, Instagram is no longer a simple software and has become a necessity of life.

In addition, it is a very inexpensive tool for monetizing and promoting business. What has initially been just software for photo sharing has become one of the best social media in our world and a business valley in less than seven years.

How can Instagram help your business thrive and generate revenue for your company?

You’ve probably heard of famous models, celebrities, and big business winners who have posted or named their products on their Instagram posts.

Smartphones can bring huge profits to many; It is also used by people who recognize the taste and needs of users with a little capital and prudence and thus earn a simple Instagram page.

In today’s world, what is important for starting a successful business is finding a way to reach and connect with the customer, and what is better than a social network that one goes to and checks every day.

This is the question that beginners ask, is it possible to make money from Instagram?

Is it accurate to earn money from Instagram? Make money from Instagram is a big lie?

Well, the answer is quite clear that earning money from Instagram is completely real and proven.

If you’re a beginner, you might be surprised, but over time, you’ll learn more.

If the first question that came to your mind so far was “how many followers do you need to make money on Instagram“, we have to say no, as much as you think!

Of course, the number of followers also depends on various factors. For example:

- What areas you work in, and how easily you can attract products and companies to promote yourself (eg, beauty, food, fitness, etc.).

- How much your audience is involved (for example, 100,000 fake audiences have no engagement)

- How do you want to make money?

And the obvious thing is that the more real followers you have, the better.

While big Instagramers earn significant money per post, even those with fewer followers can start making money.

How to make money from Instagram?

Depending on how unique is your content, and depending on your audience, and the level of commitment they have to you, you can make money from the following methods:

1. -Collaborate with brands as a sponsor of your posts

2. – Collaborate with brands and get paid for every sale you make of their products.

3. – Make and sell products, or even provide services.

4. – Sell your photos.

The beauty of the job is that if you choose one method, you won’t have to worry about the other way around.

Well, let’s start with a little bit about the most popular way to earn money on Instagram. That is, working with brands as an influencer.

1. Complete your Lead Magnet by adding a photo or video. For example, if you’re going to sell an e-book, take a screenshot of its cover.

Or if you offer an instructional video, share 15 seconds of the interesting part with the users.

2. Create a personal message and ask users to subscribe to you.

You can create a 15-second video and fully explain to users why they should subscribe to you.

3. Do you get a response from followers? Allow users to use their responses to further ensure and promote your work.

Then take a picture of their best response, as well as their name and website, and s